How can a metal foam stop a bullet even if it is thinner than a solid metal plate?
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How can a metal foam stop a bullet even if it is thinner than a solid metal plate?
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How are metal foams fractal? more here
Thanks to its fractal structure candle soot could reduce cost of lithium ion batteries
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Using fractal nanostructures to build e.g. car can make transport far more efficient than with regular techniques.
When transporting goods or people, the largest part of the energy is used to move the weight of the vessel itself. The average car weighs 1200kg. Most of the times only one passenger is moved – so to transport 80kg of human we need fuel to transport 1280kg.
Fractal nanostructures could shift that imbalance drastically.
Scientists have succeeded in building giant molecules that have a fractal structure.
These could be used to deliver drugs.
The early sun wasn’t bright enough to keep the earth warm enough to sustain life. A new model offers a solution for this old puzzle known as the “faint young sun paradox”:
A thick fractal haze of organic material helped the earth to absorb the suns warmth while at the same time blocking harmful ultraviolet light. If you looked up that ancient sky it wouldn’t be blue as today but apear only dim and rust coloured.
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Recent observations show that Plutos atmosphere shows a very similar fractal haze.
Metallic glasses (also called amorphous metals) are a new supermaterial with incredible properties due to it’s fractal structure. Read more here
Learn more about the fractal nature of metallic glasses in this article.
Scientists have found intriguing evidence of fractal structures in classic books. This discovery is more prove that fractals are embedded deeply in not only nature but also our language and the way we tell story.
“All of the examined works showed self-similarity in terms of organisation of the lengths of sentences. Some were more expressive – here The Ambassadors by Henry James stood out … correlations were evident, and therefore these texts were the construction of a fractal,”
– Dr Paweł Oświęcimka from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences”
Polarbear hair insulates so well because of it’s fractal structure inside.